How do I learn Transcendental Meditation?
The unique formula of TM, which was known in antiquity but has been lost over time, makes this technique effortless and enjoyable to do, that’s why it gives immediate results (see what we mean by “immediate results.”). There is no need for a long period of exercise because the TM technique simply uses a completely natural process that the mind already knows. The mind is already programmed to transcend, we just need to activate this program. Then practicing twice for twenty minutes each day is enough to create the effects described on this site.
Personal guidance is necessary.
Everyone is different, unique, so the natural process of this meditation is different for everyone. Therefore, personal guidance of a trained teacher of Transcendental Meditation is necessary. Only when it is taught correctly in a personalized way, the process of meditation will be completely natural. Only then the real impact will show up, because the experience of transcendence can only be achieved in a natural way.
You learn Transcendental Meditation in 2 steps:
1. Introduction Lecture: An overview of the long-term effects of TM practice. You can meet your local TM teacher and get all your questions answered (free and without obligation, about 2 hours). You can sign up for free lecture in your area here.
2. TM Course:
- The first day you learn the technique individually (1 hour).
- The next three days, the experiences are discussed and you can ask questions.
- After about two weeks, there is a follow-up. Each of these sessions will take approximately 2.5 hours.
- 6-month follow-up program, which includes personal follow-up, group meditations, advanced knowledge lectures and a meditation weekend course.
- Plus, you get a lifetime guarantee so you can follow the course for free later again as refresher whenever you like.
The cost of the complete TM course including the 6-month follow-up is €390 up front and then €95/month for the next 6 months. The meditation weekend course is included in this, but the accommodation is to be paid separately. The 6-month follow-up, is a very important part of the program to ensure the correct practice and to make sure you get the full benefits. TM is very easy to learn and people get benefits very quickly. Over time, and especially during the first 6 months, the experiences we have can change and it is important to get the right guidance from your certified TM teacher during this time. This is why you can only sign up for the complete TM course, including the 6 months of follow-up. It is possible to pay for the whole course in one upfront payment and in this case you will receive a 10% discount.
The TM organization is a non-for-profit organization. The course fee is used to cover the costs of the highly trained and certified TM teachers and of running the organization so that as many people as possible can learn about this technique. Another part of the course fees paid is used to support charity projects. For example, right now, the Belgian TM organization is supporting charity programs in several schools in Belgium where teachers and students can learn TM for free. This program is co-funded by the European Commission.
Opportunities to reduce costs
It is up to the government to make this accessible to everyone, just as they do with all other health care.
The experience of transcending is a completely natural experience and it is everyone’s birth right to have this experience. The Transcendental Meditation teachers have therefore been working for 40 years to make Transcendental Meditation accessible for as many people as possible, often by volunteering their time and teaching the technique far below their own costs. But financial obligations require that we charge a tuition to ensure the TM technique can be taught correctly with a thorough follow-up, so that the correct practice can be ensured.
It should be the responsibility of the government and the health insurance funds to make this technique accessible to everyone. In many countries, this is already the case. You can help us with this. (See how my health insurance can reimburse TM.) Until then, there are some things we can do ourselves to make the TM course accessible for everyone.
1. Motivation is the key that opens all the doors
We always allow people to learn. If you are motivated enough, it is the key to open every door. This can always be discussed with the teacher
2. Ask an invoice (stress-management course)
If you have your own company, be sure to ask for an invoice for your TM course. If you are employed then why not ask your employer if he will pay for the TM course tuition? After all, he can declare the invoice as an expense, which makes his effective cost far lower. Every progressive employer will be open to methods that can increase the productivity and reduce burnout in the company. There is sufficient evidence that TM does exactly this. See TM paid by the employer.
3. Payments in installments
As a non-for-profit organization, our goal is to make this technique and the benefits it brings available to as many people as possible. If you have financial constraints, we will do what we can to help you, like for example letting you pay the course in installments. You can discuss available options with your TM teacher.
Where can I follow the TM course?
To find the nearest Transcendental Meditation center, and to contact your local Transcendental Meditation teacher for a free, no-obligation introduction seminar on the TM technique, go to Where can I learn Transcendental Meditation?
“I am already practicing TM for 37 years, and I still enjoy it every day. It has given me so much energy that I could build a successful career in sales, and, on top of that, I have built two houses and six apartments, all by myself, in my spare time. If someone would offer me 10.000 Euro to stop with TM, I would not consider it, not even for a second.”
Johan Claes, Senior Account Manager of an international software company.
Some successful TM practitioners

What people are saying

I have done so many meditation courses, but there was always something that felt not right; I missed something. I did not feel satisfied. When I learned TM, it felt just like coming home to me. Finally I have found it.

This technique is truly one of a kind.
I am meditating now for almost 30 years and my general health is excellent, especially when compared to my peers. Not only did it make my creativity grow remarkably, but also my ability to deal with a team of employees and actors in an inspiring and stimulating way.
I am still amazed on a daily basis to see how such a simple, natural technique can generate so many positive effects. And it is also nice to do.
Learn Transcendental Meditation in AucklandTest
AucklandTest address, AucklandTest Click here for map
The Lectures are free. Please register below.
AucklandTest TM Center
AucklandTest address, AucklandTest